Inscriptions in the Anglo-Frisian fuþorc: transliteration principles

The transliteration principles of the inscriptions in the Anglo-Frisian fuþorc have been developed specifically for the provisional database field transliteration. In particular for technical reasons they differ in certain points from the transliteration principles used in the printed editions in preparation.

? sign/symbol that cannot be determined as roman or runic or as a graph belonging to a writing system
* a graph the roman or runic character of which is not unequivocally determinable
A a sign that is clearly determinable as roman
a a sign that is clearly determinable as a runic sign
a^b bindrune
: separator
`…´ for a text added later above/beneath the line
| line change or change of writing unit
|| change to another writing surface / side
() sign impaired
(a/b) possible alternatives separated by slash
(*) remnants of sign are discernible, but the sign value cannot be determined
[…] destruction of surface, no remnants of sign discernible, earlier existence of runic signs in this space probable
] no remnants of sign at the beginning of the inscription due to surface or object being broken off here.
[ no remnants of sign at the end of the inscription due to surface or object being broken off here.
Latin letter / special character Corpus Pre-Old English / Pre-Old Frisian (ca. 400-650) Corpus Old English / Early Runic Old Frisian (from ca. 650)
a a A
A A -
æ - a
b b b
c - c
¢ - C
d D Dd
e e e
E - E
e^a - 0
f f f
g g g
G - G
h h H
i i i
j j J
J J -
k - z (OE), c (Early Runic OFris)
k1 k k (Early Runic OFris)
k2 2 2 (Early Runic OFris)
k3 3 -
K - K
l l l
m m m
n n n
ŋ N 4
o o O
O O -
œ - o
p p p
r r r
s s 5
S - 3
t t t
þ T T
u u u
w w w
x - x
y - y
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