Peterson. 2010. Reconstructing lost words from old personal names - and the meaning of the place-name element -lev.

Conference Proceedings
  • Peterson, Lena
Year 2010
Title Reconstructing lost words from old personal names - and the meaning of the place-name element -lev
  • Elmevik, L.
  • Str
  • berg, S.
Booktitle Probleme der Rekonstruktion untergegangener Wörter aus alten Eigennamen. Akten eines internationalen Symposiums in Uppsala 7.-9. April 2010
Pages 185-193

Titel Author Year
Reflections on the Inscription laguþewa on Shield-Handle Mount 3 from Illerup Peterson, Lena 2004
Rez./Rev. Elmer H. Antonsen. 2002. Runes and Germanic Linguistics. Berlin, New York Peterson, Lena 2003
Rez./Rev. Edith Marold / Christiane Zimmermann (hg.). 1995. Nordwestgermanisch. Berlin, New York Peterson, Lena 1996
The development of Proto-Nordic personal names Peterson, Lena 2002
Om de urnordiska Agilamundō, Kunimunduz och fornnordiska mansnamn på -mundi Peterson, Lena 2007
Binamn i de urnordiska runinskrifterna Brylla, Eva 1993
Reconstructing lost words from old personal names - and the meaning of the place-name element -lev Peterson, Lena 2010
En brisi vas lina sunn Peterson, Lena 2012
Amelgund: Zur Runeninschrift aus dem Frauengrab 133 von Stetten a.d. Donau und zur Frage alamannischer Runenmeisterinnen" Pieper, Peter 1993
A Critical Survey of the Alleged East Germanic Runic Inscriptions in Scandinavia Peterson, Lena 1998
Sakrala personnamn - eller profana? Klassifications- och gränsdragningsproblem i det gamla nordiska personnamnsförrådet Andersson, Thorsten 1993
On the relationship between Proto-Scandinavian and Continental Germanic personal names Peterson, Lena 1994
On case-form endings in the earliest runic personal names Nielsen, Hans Frede 1993
Rez./Rev. John Kousgård Sørensen 1984. Patronymer i Danmark 1, Runetid og middelalder. København Peterson, Lena 1985
Rez./Rev. Alfred Bammesberger (hg.). 1991. Old English Runes and their Continental Background. Heidelberg Peterson, Lena 1993
Runenritzende Frauen Düwel, Klaus 1989
lexikon över urnordiska personnamn Peterson, Lena 2004
On the Relationship between Proto-Scandinavian and Continental Germanic Personal Names Peterson, Lena 1994

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