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Graph type 184 (1 Beleg in 1 Inscription)

Rune row (1 inscription with variants of GT 184)


Finds with this graph type (1/1)

Graph type 184

Graphtypological description

Elements: SSSZZZ
Stave 1 (vertical): left (S2)
Stave 2 (vertical): in between (S1/S3)
Stave 3 (descending): right (S2)
Twig 1 (descending): left in between (S1/S2), intersecting (Z2)
Twig 2 (ascending): left in between (S1/S2), intersecting (Z1)
Twig 3 (descending): right intersecting (S3)
Vertex 1 (S1/Z1): 1(+) - top
Vertex 2 (S1/Z2): 2 - 3
Vertex 3 (Z1/Z2): 2 - 3
Vertex 4 (S2/Z2/S3): 1(+) - top
Vertex 5 (S2/Z1): 2 - 3
Vertex 6 (S3/Z3): bottom - 4(+)
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