These pages are currently under construction.
The data are updated and corrected regularly. The following groups of inscriptions have to date been graphtypologically classified: the majority of the inscriptions in the older futhark and of the inscriptions in the Anglo-Frisian futhorc, the inscriptions in the younger futhark from Skåne, the majority of the medieval Nordic manuscript runes.
Graph type 130 (818 Belege in 143 Inscriptions)
Graph type 130
Timeline (138Einträge)
Please note:The timeline only includes finds for which a reliable, usually external, dating is available.
Rune row (143 inscriptions with variants of GT 130)
Finds with this graph type (143/143)
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Graphtypological description
Elements: P
Dot 1: center (field of writing)
Dot 1: center (field of writing)