ÍBR 23 8vox, 81v [2]

Siglum ÍBR 23 8vox, 81v [2]
Findspot ÍBR 23 8vox, Landsbókasafn Íslands, Reykjavík (-, -, -, IS) Place on map
her : huiler : gils : ions : son : gils : sonar
Source: Edition Bauer/Heizmann
Translation Flag icon Hier ruht Gils, Sohn des Jón, Sohn des Gils. Source: Edition Bauer/Heizmann

Rune row younger fuþąrk
Category scripta mixta
Preservation good
Complete­ness yes

Place of storage

Landsbókasafn Íslands (Reykjavík, IS)
Findno.: 9172
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