Amnö, stone

Siglum U 699
Findspot Amnö (Veckholms socken, Trögds härad, Uppland, S) Place on map
[ikilaif * let * r]as[a * st-- at * bruna * boanta *] s[in] * h(a)n : (u)arþ [*] tauþr * a t[an](m)(a)rku * ¶ * i huita*uaþum [* bal]i * ¶ * [-r]ist...
Source: Samnordisk runtextdatabas
Translation Flag icon Ingileif had the stone raised in memory of Brúni, her husbandman. He died in christening robes in Denmark. Balli carved. Source: Samnordisk runtextdatabas
No image available

Place of storage

other : I Ekholmens park, Ekholm, S
Findno.: 6842
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