Steninge, stone

Siglum U 439
Findspot Steninge (Husby-Ärlinghundra socken, Ärlinghundra härad, Uppland, S) Place on map
[harlaif × auk × þurkarþr × litu × raisa × stain × þina at × sabi faþur sin × is| |sturþi × austr × skibi × maþ ikuari a/a| |askalat-/skalat-]
Source: Samnordisk runtextdatabas
Translation Flag icon Herleif and Þorgerðr/Þorgarðr had this stone raised in memory of Sæbjǫrn, their father, who steered a ship east with Ingvarr to Estonia(?)/Serkland(?). Source: Samnordisk runtextdatabas

Place of storage

Findno.: 6581
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