Granby, rock slab

Sigla U 337 | B 1 | L 507
Findspot Granby (Orkesta socken, Seminghundra härad, Uppland, S) Place on map
+ hemik + uk + sialfi + uk + iohan + þeiR + lata hakua + eftR + faþur sin + finuiþ + uk + uarkas × uk × rahnfriþ + uk moþur sina + uk + at + ikikerþi + uk + at + kalf + uk + kiarþar + u- ...-at + (h)an ati ' ein × alt fyrst × þat × uaru × freantr þeia + koþ : hialbi + ant þaira + uiseti + risti × runa þisa
Source: Samnordisk runtextdatabas
Translation Flag icon Hemingr and Sjalfi and Jóhan, they have cut (the stone) in memory of their father Finnviðr and Vargas(?)/Varghǫss(?) and Ragnfríðr and their mother, and in memory of Ingigerðr and in memory of Kalfr and Gerðarr and ... He alone owned all at first. These were their kinsmen. May God help their spirits. Véseti carved these runes. Source: Samnordisk runtextdatabas

Place of storage

Findno.: 6477
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