Fällbro, stone

Siglum U 142
Findspot Fällbro (Täby socken, Danderyds skeppslag, Uppland, S) Place on map
ikifastr ' lit ' raisa ' stain * uk ' bro ' kera ' eftiR ' iarlabaka ' faþur ' s[in ' uk ' sun ' io]runa ' uk ' ketilau lit ' at ' bonta ' sin ybir risti
Source: Samnordisk runtextdatabas
Translation Flag icon Ingifastr had the stone raised and the bridge made in memory of Jarlabanki, his father, Jórunnr's son. And Ketiley had (it raised/made) in memory of her husbandman. Œpir carved. Source: Samnordisk runtextdatabas

Rune row younger fuþąrk
Category run.
Preservation impaired; fragmented
Complete­ness no

Place of storage

Findno.: 6176
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