Högs kyrka, stone

Siglum Hs 12
Findspot Högs kyrka (Högs socken, Norra Hälsinglands domsagas tingslag, Hälsingland, S) Place on map

§P kuþniutr ÷ þru sun ÷ lit rita stin þina ÷ ak bru kirþi ÷ aftiR bruþr sina ÷ asbiurn : ak at kuþlaf
§Q kuþniutr ÷ þrus| |sun ÷ lit rita stin þina ÷ ak bru kirþi ÷ aftiR bruþr sina ÷ asbiurn : ak at kuþlaf
Source: Samnordisk runtextdatabas
Translation Flag icon §P Guðnjótr Þóru(?)'s son had this stone erected and made the bridge in memory of his brothers Ásbjôrn and in memory of Guðlafr. §Q Guðnjótr Þrór's son had this stone erected and made the bridge in memory of his brothers Ásbjǫrn and in memory of Guðlafr. Source: Samnordisk runtextdatabas

Place of storage

in situ : Högs kyrka, Hög, S
Findno.: 5486
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