Angerdshestra kyrka, sticks
Siglum | Sm 114 |
Findspot | Angerdshestra kyrka (Angerdshestra socken, Mo härad, Småland, S) |
Transliteration |
§A krist[us o-n ÷ kristus ÷ kon ÷ kristus ÷ (s)on]
§B iokis srif mik a ÷ o=la=fs ÷ tah ÷ l¶ærækomræ-þium ÷ f[il] ÷ þisræ-þium(i) ¶ guþ mik signi ¶ [gu]ri §C [siæ-t=u=kbis m]illæs[æ=sæ=s]m[o] t=usska=nnti(s)(s)æ... … |
Translation | §A Kristus Dominus(?), Christ the king(?), Christ the son §B <iokis> wrote me on Ólaf's day ... ... ... God may bless me ... §C ... millesimo ducentesimo ... |
Objektklasse | other object |
Type of object | - |
Object | sticks |
Measurements | -; -; - + -; -; - + -; -; - |
Find year | 1910 |
Materialklasse | wood |
Material | - |
Material specifics | - |
Preservation | good |
Completeness | yes |
Ext. Datierung | 1100 - 1500 |
Datierungsart | - |
Ikonographische Elemente | |
Dating (ICO style) | - |
Context | - |
Rune row | younger fuþąrk |
Inschriftcharakter | run. |
Preservation | impaired; good |
Completeness | yes |
Findno.: 5172