Nöbbelesholm, stone


Sigla Sm 101 | L 1233
Findspot Nöbbelesholm (Nävelsjö socken, Östra härad, Småland, S) Place on map
: kun(t)(k)el : sati : sten : þansi : eftiR : kunar : faþur : sin : sun : hruþa : halgi : lagþi : han : i : sten:þr : bruþur : sin : a : haklati : i : baþum
Source: Samnordisk runtextdatabas
Translation Flag icon Gunnkell placed this stone in memory of Gunnarr, his father, Hróði's son. Helgi laid him, his brother, in a stone coffin in Bath in England. Source: Samnordisk runtextdatabas

Place of storage

Findno.: 5159
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