Runstensholm, stone

Sigla Sm 61 | B 1031 | L 1247
Findspot Runstensholm (Tånnö socken, Östbo härad, Småland, S) Place on map
kuþuar : let : resa : stein : þana : eftR * auþa : sun : sin auk * karl * eftiR : s(t)in : sun : sin : kuþ hialbi : sau *
Source: Samnordisk runtextdatabas
Translation Flag icon Guðvarðr/Guðvarr/Guðvǫr had this stone raised in memory of Auði, his/her son; and Karl in memory of Steinn, his son. May God help (their) souls. Source: Samnordisk runtextdatabas

Place of storage

Findno.: 5120
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