Ardre kyrka, stone

Siglum G 113
Findspot Ardre kyrka (Ardre socken, Kräklinge ting, Gotland, S) Place on map
§A ÷ utar + ak + kaiRuatr + ak + aiuatr + þaR + setu + stain + ebtir + likna(t) + faþur ÷ sen +
§B ÷ raþialbr + ak + kaiRaiau(t)- + þaiR kiarþu + merki + kuþ + ubtir + man + saaran ÷ likraibr + risti + runaR
Source: Samnordisk runtextdatabas
Translation Flag icon §A Óttarr and Geirhvatr and Eihvatr, they placed the stone in memory of Líknhvatr, their father. §B Ráðþjalfr and Geirnjótr, they made the good landmark in memory of ... man. Líknreifr carved the runes. Source: Samnordisk runtextdatabas
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Place of storage

Historiska museet/Gotlands museum (Stockholm, S/Visby, S)
Inventory number: 11118
Findno.: 4978
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