Aspö kyrka, stone


Siglum Sö 174
Findspot Aspö kyrka (Aspö socken, Selebo härad, Södermanland, S) Place on map
[ub]lubR * lit * kira : kuml : likhus : auk : bru * at sun sin : biurn : uaR trebin : a : kut:lanti : þy : lit : fiur * sit : fluþu : kankiR : þaiR uiþ[ulkuR] : uiltu iki halta : guþ : hilbi : anta : hans
Source: Samnordisk runtextdatabas
Translation Flag icon Ólafr(?)/Óblauðr(?)/Upphlaupr(?) had the monument and sarcophagus/hospice and bridge made in memory of his son Bjǫrn, (who) was killed on Gotland. Because his followers fled, he lost his life; they ... would not hold. May God help his spirit. Source: Samnordisk runtextdatabas

Place of storage

Findno.: 4819
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