Agetomta, stone

Siglum Ög 152
Findspot Agetomta (Furingstads socken, Lösings härad, Östergötland, S) Place on map
[: iluhi : l]it : raisa : stain : þina : aeftiR : sihstain : faþur:faþur : sin : leti : kuþ : saul :* hans :
Source: Samnordisk runtextdatabas
Translation Flag icon Illugi had this stone raised in memory of Sigsteinn, his father's father. May God relieve his soul. Source: Samnordisk runtextdatabas
No image available

Place of storage

other : Lagad och rest 1941 nära Agetomta gård, Agetomta, S
Findno.: 4251
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