Sandby kyrkogård, stone

Siglum Öl 27
Findspot Sandby kyrkogård (Sandby socken, Möckleby härad, Öland, S) Place on map
× þeiR bryþr × reistu × kubl × þia × eftiR × sustur ×× sina × afriþi × auk × eftR × suein × faþur × sin × koþan ×
Source: Samnordisk runtextdatabas
Translation Flag icon These brothers raised these monuments in memory of their sister, Áfriðr, and in memory of Sveinn, their good father. Source: Samnordisk runtextdatabas

Place of storage

in situ : Sandby kyrkogård, Sandby kyrka, S
Findno.: 4072
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