Å kyrkogård, stone

Siglum Ög 32
Findspot Å kyrkogård (Å socken, Björkekinds härad, Östergötland, S) Place on map
sin * uk (:) þurburn : uk : satar : þR : ritu : stin : þina iftR * þurkl * brþr * sin * su(n) (*) s(i)--m
Source: Samnordisk runtextdatabas
Translation Flag icon Sveinn/Steinn/Seinn and Þorbjǫrn and Sandarr, they erected this stone in memory of Þorkell, his (ie Torbjǫrn's) brother, son of <si--m>. Source: Samnordisk runtextdatabas

Place of storage

other : Kyrkogård, Å kyrka, Å, S
Findno.: 4056
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