Nydam, strap suspension

(Nydam-rembøjle; Nydam engmose beslag till svärdslida; Nydam 1)

Sigla SJy 68 | AUD1995;275 | DR AUD1995;275 | NOR2003:4 | NoR 18 | NoR 11 | NOR1996;4
Findspot Nydam (Sottrup Sogn, Sønderborg Amt, Sydjylland, DK) Place on map
harkilaz ˈ ahti | anul(a) |
Translation Flag icon Harkilaz …
Translation Flag icon Harkilaz …

Rune row older fuþark
Category run.
Preservation impaired; good
Complete­ness yes

Place of storage

Nationalmuseet (København, DK)
Inventory number: NV 15711
Findno.: 370
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