Oberflacht, Sieblöffel
(Oberflacht I)
Sigla | SG-90 | O35 |
Findspot | Oberflacht (Seitingen-Oberflacht, Tuttlingen, Baden-Württemberg, D) |
Transliteration |
(2-?)(1?)a(1?)du(1-2?)þafd |
Translation | - |
Translation | - |
Class of object | tool/implement |
Type of object | food consumption |
Object | Sieblöffel |
Measurements | 15,8; -; - |
Find year | 1888(1967) |
Class of material | metal |
Material | silver |
Material specifics | - |
Preservation | - |
Completeness | yes |
External dating | 560 - 610 |
Method of dating | arch. |
Iconographic elements | yes |
Dating (ICO style) | - |
Context | burial |
Rune row | older fuþark |
Category | run. |
Preservation | good |
Completeness | yes |
Place of storage
private property
Findno.: 239