Atrå kirke, wood inscription I
Siglum | N 148 |
Findspot | Atrå kirke (Tinn kommune, -, Telemark fylke, N) |
Transliteration |
ra=n=na=r : biskop : uigþi : kir:kiu : þessa : þa : fygþi : honom : fylgþi : þa : þorþr : ka=palæin ¶ ok : æina=r : na=fr : o=k þro=ntr : mo=kr : ok : þorstæin : ra=uþi : ok þo=nt=r : kin : o=k han : ræist : runa=r : þesar
Translation | Bishop Ragnarr dedicated this church. He was then assisted, then assisted by Þórðr the Chaplain and Einarr Nave-borer/Auger and Þróndr the monk and Þorsteinn Red and Þróndr Chin, and he carved these runes. |
Class of object | edifice |
Type of object | church building |
Object | wood inscription |
Measurements | 64; 2,9-3,1 (Inschrift) |
Find year | 1822 |
Class of material | wood |
Material | - |
Material specifics | - |
Preservation | - |
Completeness | no |
External dating | 1180 - 1180 |
Method of dating | - |
Iconographic elements | yes |
Dating (ICO style) | - |
Context | settlement |
Rune row | younger fuþąrk |
Category | run. |
Preservation | good |
Completeness | yes |
Findno.: 2147