Vimose, chape 1: Interpretations (15)

Interpretation 1

mariha | iala | makija |
Interpretation māri ... mākija
Syntax ADJ4/1 ... S4/1
German translation berühmt ... Schwert
English translation famous ... sword
Probability +

Interpretation 2

mariha | iala | makija |
Interpretation Māri aih Alla mākija.
Syntax NAM4+V+PN1+S4/1.
German translation Den Māriʀ (=den Berühmten) besitzt Alla als Schwert.
English translation Alla owns Māriʀ (=the famous one) as sword.

Interpretation 3

makia | mariha | iala |
Interpretation ?
Syntax ?
German translation ?
English translation ?

Interpretation 4

mariha | iala | makija |
Interpretation Mārihai Alla mākija
Syntax NAM3+PN1+S4/1
German translation dem Māriʀ (=dem Berühmten) [schenkt/weiht] Alla das Schwert
English translation Alla [gives/dedicates] the sword to Māriʀ (=the famous one)

Interpretation 5

makia | iala | mariha |
Interpretation māki ai Alla Māriha.
Syntax S4/1+V+PN1+NAM1.
German translation Alla, der Mæring, besitzt das Schwert.
English translation Alla, the Mæring, owns the sword.
Probability -

Interpretation 6

makia | ala | mariha |
Interpretation Mākia alamāriha
Syntax NAM1+ADJ1/1
German translation Mākia, der allberühmte
English translation Mākia, the all-famous
Probability -

Interpretation 7

mariha | iala | makia |
Interpretation Mārihai Alla mākia
Syntax NAM3+PN1+S4/1
German translation dem Māriʀ (=dem Berühmten) [gab] Alla [dieses] Schwert
English translation to Māriʀ (=the famous one) Alla [gave this] sword
Probability -

Interpretation 8

mariha | iala | makia |
Interpretation Māri hai Alla mākia.
Syntax NAM4+V+PN1+S4/1.
German translation Alla besitzt das Schwert Māriʀ. (=Dies Schwert gehört mir, Alla.)
English translation Alla owns the sword Māriʀ. (=This sword belongs to me, Alla.)
Probability -

Interpretation 9

makia | iala | mariha |
Interpretation mākia i[st] alamāria.
Syntax S1/1+Vcop+ADJ1/1.
German translation Das Schwert ist all-berühmt.
English translation The sword is all-famous.
Probability -

Interpretation 10

mariha | diala | makija |
Interpretation Māri hadi Alla mākija.
Syntax NAM4+V+PN1+S4/1.
German translation Nimm in deine Hand, Alla, das Schwert Māriʀ!
English translation Take into your hand, Alla, the sword Māriʀ!
Probability -

Interpretation 11

mariha | aala | makija |
Interpretation mari ha Aala mākija
Syntax S1/1+V ˈ PN1+S4/1
German translation möge der See haben - Aala[s] Schwert
English translation may the lake have - Aala['s] sword
Probability -

Interpretation 12

makija | ˈ ala | mariha |
Interpretation mākija alamāriha
Syntax S4/1+ADJ4/1
German translation [bewahre] das zu dem Hochberühmten gehörige Schwert
English translation [save] the sword belonging to the very famous one
Probability -

Interpretation 13

makija | mari(d)a | iala |
Interpretation mākija māri(dē) Alla.
Syntax S4/1+V+PN1.
German translation Alla dekorierte (oder: machte berühmt) das Schwert.
English translation Alla decorated (or: made famous) the sword.
Probability -

Interpretation 14

makija | mariha | iala |
Interpretation mākija mariha iala
Syntax S4/1+S5/1+ADJ5/1
German translation [nimm] dieses Schwert [entgegen], umherziehender Seemann!
English translation [receive] this sword, roaming seafarer!
Probability -

Interpretation 15

ala | mariha | makia |
Interpretation alamāriha mākia
Syntax ADJ1/1+S1/1
German translation allberühmtes Schwert
English translation all-famous sword
Probability -

Basic find data

Picture of find
Name Vimose, chape 1
Sigla Fyn 20 | DR205 | KJ22 | DR 205
Object chape 1
Findspot Vimose (Allese Sogn, Odense Amt, Fyn, DK) Place on map
mari(1?)a | (0-2?)ala | maki(0-1?)a |
Rune row older fuþark
Category run.
Context deposit find
External dating 210 - 260
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