Lund, kvarteret Sankt Mikael 7, tablet weaving card

(Lund-vævebrik; Lund, kv. S:t Mikael 7 vävbricka)

Sigla SkL 13 | DR311 | DR 311
Findspot Lund (Lunds stad, Lunds stad, Skåne, S) Place on map
skuaraR : iki|mar : afa | (:) -ąn : m=n : krat : | aallatti :
Source: Danske Runeindskrifter
Translation Flag icon Sigvǫr's Ingimarr will have my weeping / unhappiness (or my misfortunes). {aallatti}. Source: Danske Runeindskrifter

Place of storage

Findno.: 1233
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