Bösarp, stone


Sigla Sk 71 | DR258 | DR 258
Findspot Bösarp (Bösarps socken, Skytts härad, Skåne, S) Place on map
tuki : sati : -…
Source: Danske Runeindskrifter
Translation Flag icon Tóki placed … Source: Danske Runeindskrifter

Class of object stone
Type of object rune stone
Object stone
Measure­ments 87; 32-42; - + 39; 59; 50 + 81,5; 50; 51 + 14-26; 70; 46-47
Find year 1906-1914
Class of material stone
Material granite
Material specifics -
Preservation fragmented
Complete­ness no
External dating 970 - 1020
Method of dating arch.
Icono­graphic elements yes
Dating (ICO style) Rak (ca 980?–1015)
Context single find

Place of storage

Historiska museet vid Lunds universitet (Lund, S)
Findno.: 1212
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