Baldringe, stone

Sigla Sk 28 | DR294 | DR 294
Findspot Baldringe (Baldringe socken, Herrestads härad, Skåne, S) Place on map
: þurkisl : sati : kubl : þausi : aftiR : tuma : sban : | : fruþaR : sun : faþur : sin : harþa : kuþan : | : þikn
Source: Danske Runeindskrifter
Translation Flag icon Þorgísl placed this monument in memory of his father Tumi Foresighted, Frøðr's son, a very good þegn. Source: Danske Runeindskrifter

Place of storage

other : Baldringe kyrkogård, Baldringe kyrka, Baldringe, S
Findno.: 1184
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