Asferg, stone


Sigla MJy 47 | DR121 | DRM II, 50 | L 2071 | DR 121
Findspot Asferg (Asferg Sogn, Randers Amt, Midtjylland, DK) Place on map
: þurgiR : tuka : sun : risþi : stin : þąnnsi : iftiR : mula : bruþr : | sin : harþą : kuþru : þin :
Source: Danske Runeindskrifter
Translation Flag icon Þorgeirr Tóki's son raised this stone in memory of Múli, his brother, a very good þegn. Source: Danske Runeindskrifter

Place of storage

Nationalmuseet (København, DK)
Inventory number: MCCCCXV
Findno.: 1082
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