Ålum, stone 4

Sigla MJy 40 | DR97 | DR 97
Findspot Ålum (Ålum Sogn, Viborg Amt, Midtjylland, DK) Ort auf Karte
þurui : uikuts : kuną : lit : risa : stin : þąnsi : eftiR : þurbiurn : sun : sibu : sustlik : sin : is : hun : hukþi : b(e)tr : þąn : suasum : suni :
Source: Danske Runeindskrifter
Translation Flaggen Icon Þyrvé, Végautr's wife, had this stone raised in memory of Þorbjǫrn, son of Sibbi, her sister's son, whom she cared for more than had he been her own son / than a dear son. Source: Danske Runeindskrifter

Place of storage

other : kirkegård, Ålum kirke, Ålum, DK
Findno.: 1076
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