Ålum, stone 3

Sigla MJy 39 | DR96 | DRM II, 58 | DR 96
Findspot Ålum (Ålum Sogn, Viborg Amt, Midtjylland, DK) Ort auf Karte
: uikutr : risþi : stin : þąnsi : iftiR : ąski : sun : sin : kuþ : hialbi : hąns : silu : uil
Source: Danske Runeindskrifter
Translation Flaggen Icon Végautr raised this stone in memory of Ásgeirr, his son. May God well help his soul. Source: Danske Runeindskrifter

Place of storage

other : kirkegård, Ålum kirke, Ålum, DK
Findno.: 1075
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